Thugje Chenpo Drubchen at Mindrolling Monastery

In commemoration of the anniversary of the parinirvana of Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen, Mindrolling Monastery commenced the Thugje Chenpo Drubchen (Mahakarunika Mahasadhana) on Sunday, February 21, 2021, the 9th day of the first lunar month.

The Thugje Chenpo Desheg Kündü, the Great Compassionate One – The Universal Gathering of the Sugatas, is one of the most important termas of Chögyal Terdag Lingpa, the founder of the Mindrolling lineage. Viewed as one of the most profound transmissions within the Nyingma school, this terma contains all aspects of a drubchen practice in its sadhana section, including the creation of a sand mandala and ritual dances (cham).

The drubchen was presided over by Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Tulku Gyurme Chime Dirjee and Choktrul Ngawang Jigdral Rinpoche.  The assembly of Mindrolling tulkus, khenpos and monks, as well as the nuns of Samten Tse Retreat Centre are all participating in the practice.  Due, however, to the continuing pandemic and the need to maintain social distancing within the shrineroom, residents of the local Tibetan community, the public, and the many western practitioners who have attended the drubchen in past years are not in attendance this year but are remaining connected with individual practices of the Mahakrunika Mahasadhana and other practices. The drubchen concluded on the 27th of February.

The need for and the benefit of this drubchen is particularly poignant in today’s times as the entire world continues to struggle with the suffering and challenges caused by the pandemic. Knowing that the great Thugje Chenpo is nothing but the perfect embodiment of compassion and skillful means, simply hearing of this drubchen, practiced by an excellent assembly of practitioners, brings joy and peace to the mind.  The merit gathered by such a practice is truly vast, and through the blessings of the Three Jewels and Three Roots, may it completely relieve the sufferings facing beings of this world.  This year, the practice is also dedicated to all those who have died and those who continue to suffer due to the upheavals the world has faced this past year.

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