The auspicious full moon day of the 9th lunar month (24th October 2018) marked the completion of the three years’ retreat of the three senior nuns of Samten Tse. Under the direct supervision of Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, these three most senior nuns of Samten Tse completed their three years’ and six months retreat and rejoined the sangha amidst much delight and celebration.

The day began with the formal opening of the retreat door and the retreat boundaries. Then, led by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche and Jetsün La, Sangyum Kushog along with Khenpo Namdrol and Lopön Thinley Gyeltshen la, the three retreatants performed the sang and serkyem offerings. Following that they were led into the shrine room where the entire sangha joyously received them and celebrated the joyous and auspicious occasion.
As a dedication of all accumulated merit and proliferation of virtue the jinseg ceremony was performed by the retreatants. On the following day, they offered a vast ganacakra along with the entire sangha before going back into retreat to begin the process of gradually closing their retreat.
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