At the request of Kyabje Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Kyabje Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche will bestow the complete Kama ripening empowerments along with the liberating oral transmissions at Og Min Ogyen Mindrolling in India.
On the full-moon day of Saga Dawa, the 23rd of May, 2024, more than 200 practitioners from Europe gathered for the second consecutive year in Czech Republic to receive teachings and transmissions from Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche.
We are delighted to announce the official establishment of the following Mindrolling Dharma Centers and Study Groups under the spiritual guidance of Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche to support the Dharma studies and practices of the worldwide Mindrolling Sangha.
On the 3rd day of the 1st lunar month of the Year of the Wood Dragon, marked the anniversary of the parinirvana of Kyabje Minling Trichen. The parinirvana day this year was an especially auspicious one because it marked the installation of the Draku of Kyabje Minling Trichen in the main shrine room.
May the New Year be an opportunity for all practitioners to take on a fresh outlook for the coming year and to deepen one’s reflection on all of the wonderful inherent qualities that are present in one’s own self.
The worldwide Mindrolling International sangha joyfully marked the occasion of Minling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche’s birthday with prayers, offerings, and a vast Tshe Tar, or life-release, dedicated to Rinpoche’s long life and vast activities.
On July 28th, 2023, the Mindrolling International sangha joyfully celebrated the birthday of Dungse Rinpoche. Mindrolling sanghas around the world offered prayers and good wishes for the continued presence and long lives of Dungse Rinpoche and his elder sister, Jetsün Rinpoche, on this auspicious day.
Students from around the world gathered in the Czech Republic for the first Vajra Assembly to receive teachings and transmissions from Minling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche. The first Vajra Assembly was followed by the 3rd Mahasangha Drubchö and events celebrating the gathering of the Mindrolling International Sangha.
Minling Lotus Garden is very happy to announce the first in-person program of Summer 2023. His Eminence Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche will bestow teachings on the precious text “The Sword of Wisdom” by the great Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche from August 1st to August 7th, 2023.
As we joyfully celebrate the New Year, sangha members are encouraged to persevere even more through this coming year to bring accomplishment of the Dharma practices and to gain deeper insight and understanding of the true meaning of Dharma.
May the New Year bring good health, harmony, deepened study and practice of the precious Dharma, and the blessings and protection of the Three Jewels and the Three Roots.
On August 19, 2022, the Mindrolling International sangha joyfully marked the occasion of Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche’s birthday. The entire sangha made sincere prayers and aspirations and a vast Tshe Thar, or life release, was offered and dedicated to Rinpoche’s long life.
Mindrolling Monastery performed the annual Yamantaka Drubchö to dispel obstacles for the Tibetan New Year of the Water Tiger and began the New Year with the annual Thug Je Chenpo and Kagyed Drubchens.
Let this New Year be the time to gather ourselves and redouble our efforts into deepening our practice of the Dharma and our sincere effort in bodhicitta.
The life force of the Nyingma school of the ancient translations, the Incomparable Sublime Compassionate Master, Kyabje Düdjom Rinpoche Sangye Pema Shepa withdrew his consciousness into the expanse of dharmata on the night of February 14th, 2022.
The Peerless Lord of Refuge, the Incomparable Sublime Compassionate Master, Kyabje Do Drubchen Rinpoche, withdrew his consciousness into the expanse of dharmata on the 25th of January 2022.
On Wednesday, October 27th, 2021, the entire Mindrolling community gathered on the auspicious day of Lhabab Düchen to receive Kyabje Khochhen Rinpoche.
Beginning on October 18th, 2021, the seven-day Kama’i Tshogchen Düpa Drubchö was held at Mindrolling Monastery coinciding with the auspicious month of Lhabab Düchen.
The Mindrolling International sangha from around the world celebrated the birthday of our incomparable guru, Minling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche by engaging in the practice of Tshe Thar, or Life Release.
On July 28th, 2021, Mindrolling and all branch monasteries and centers celebrated the birthday of Minling Dungse Rinpoche with vast offerings, prayers for the flourishing of dharma and engaging in the practice of generosity.
At the end of each lunar year, Mindrolling Monastery performs the seven-day Yamantaka Shinje Drekjom drubchö, a terma discovered by the Great Terton Chögyal Terdag Lingpa.
With the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, the world has faced serious and stark challenges. Mindrolling International’s Sangha has been no exception. Stories, photos, videos.
It is a time of unspeakable fear and disruption for the world. During such times of crisis and confusion, practice could be one of the first things we turn to. Listen to Rinpoche’s teaching.
As we move into the new year and a new decade, may we resolve to give rise to wisdom and courage that allows change to bring the best within us. May this innate beauty and extraordinary potential become the basis of sanity and happiness for all.
Story and photos from the annual meeting of the Mindrolling administrative board, shedra examination and certificate presentation and annual report cards for monks of the primary and secondary schools.
“We realize true refuge lies only in the stillness of a mind that rests in itself and the joy that unfurls from within.
May each one of us find that immutable, invincible joy!”
As we do each December, before stepping with fresh aspiration into the coming year, the Mindrolling Lotus Garden sangha turns and looks back over the year which is ending, with profound wonder and gratitude for our supreme good fortune.
It is a time of unspeakable sorrow, distress and bewilderment for many around the world. Rinpoche asks why, during times of crisis which arise in our lives, practice is one of the first things we set aside? You can listen here.
Sangha members from around the world gathered in Athens, Greece for the 3-day drubchö of the profound Minling Dorsem led by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche. Full story, photos and videos.
Early on the morning of Sunday August 19th—the auspicious and joyful occasion of Her Eminence Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche’s birthday—sangha members who were gathered for the Mindrol Lekshey program at Lotus Garden, traveled to the eastern shore of Maryland to make offerings in Rinpoche’s honor by performing a tsethar or life release ceremony.
May the peerless Guru’s life be steadfast and long!
The monks of Mindrolling Monastery perform the annual ritual dance of Tse Chu which was first introduced in the 17th century by the founder of Mindrolling, Terdag Lingpa.
A magnificent beginning to the New Year of the Earth Dog has unfolded at Mindrolling Monastery. Stories, photos and video from the Thugje Chenpo Drubchen, the 10th anniversary of the parinirvana of Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen, the Yamantaka Drubchen of Shinje Drekjom, Venerable Dagpo Rinpoche, the appointment of new kenpos and lopöns and the Mindrolling Retreat for Western sangha members led by HE Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche.
This coming spring, HE Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche will bestow teachings in Europe, and then in the summer and fall of 2018, Rinpoche will teach in North America.
The new temple, named Mindrol Gatsal, is now taking its seat within the magnificent treasury of the glorious Mindrolling lineage. Read construction update and view photos.
Members of the Mindrolling Sangha recently traveled to Shimla, India to attend and make offerings during the cremation of the kudung of Kyabje Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche which took place on the 19th October 2017. Link to photos and video on Facebook.
During the months of July through September, there was a downpour of blessings at Lotus Garden in the form of teachings, practices, and intensive training in the Tibetan language and ritual traditions of the Mindrolling lineage. History was made as the sangha undertook the first three-day drubchö of this caliber to take place in the West.
In accordance with the instructions of the great master, Chögyal Terdag Lingpa, and to commemorate the anniversary of his parinirvana, the sangha of Mindrolling Monastery perform the Kagyed drubchen each year at the end of the first lunar month.
Two-hundred practitioners arrived in Oberlethe, Germany for a five-day drubchö of the Profound Sadhana of the Mindrolling Vajrasattva, also known as Minling Dorsem. This was the first ever Mahasangha gathering which will become an annual tradition. Read story and view photo gallery.
Viewers can tour the shrines, adorned with rupas and hand-painted wall murals and visit other campus locations. The video also features footage from annual ceremonies, practices and scenes of monastic life.