Her Eminence Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche with students during a teaching at Lotus Garden.
With the ongoing effects of the covid-19 virus preventing in-person gatherings, our practice and study was faced with new challenges. In light of this, we moved to an online format of review and teachings via the
Dharmashri Online Portal. The curriculum itself has been featuring a thorough review and study of Longchenpa’s
The Great Chariot, presented and guided by Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche. Old and new students of all levels have joined together in this precious opportunity to practice and study together.
Part 3 Online
21 January – 6 February, 2021
Chapter 4 (‘Karma’) of The Great Chariot.
Please note: Completion of Parts 1 and 2 or the Self-Study (Oct/Nov) are a prerequisite for those registering for Part 3