The Minling Ladrang
On the third day of Losar (the 1st of March, 2017), Mindrolling marked the ninth anniversary of the parinirvana of our root Guru, Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen. On this sacred day, the Rigdzin Thugthig Ghanacakra, the Guru Yoga of Kyabje Rinpoche and various other prayers were organized and performed at the Minling Ladrang in the presence of the great Kudung of Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche.
Minling Sangyum Kushog, Her Eminence Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, H.E. Jestün Dechen Paldron, Ven. Tulku Ngawang Jigdral Kunga Rinpoche, senior monks, nuns and many western Sangha members gathered to perform the ghanacakra and butter lamp offerings.
Each one of us continues to feel the loving compassion and kind blessings of our root Guru, Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen Dorje Chang, which remain free from all constraints of time, space and worldly limits.