Many Streams Meeting and Mingling: Mahasangha 2018
Sangha members from around the world gathered in Athens, Greece for the 3-day drubchö of the profound Minling Dorsem led by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche. Full story, photos and videos.
Sangha members from around the world gathered in Athens, Greece for the 3-day drubchö of the profound Minling Dorsem led by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche. Full story, photos and videos.
Early on the morning of Sunday August 19th—the auspicious and joyful occasion of Her Eminence Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche’s birthday—sangha members who were gathered for the Mindrol Lekshey program at Lotus Garden, traveled to the eastern shore of Maryland to make offerings in Rinpoche’s honor by performing a tsethar or life release ceremony.
May the peerless Guru’s life be steadfast and long!
The monks of Mindrolling Monastery perform the annual ritual dance of Tse Chu which was first introduced in the 17th century by the founder of Mindrolling, Terdag Lingpa.